Creating Global Advocacy Through Communication: İletişimde İklim Yaratmak

This is a talk on how ideas diffuse and influence people. TAİDER, Türkiye Aile İşletmeleri Derneği üyelerine yaptığım İletişimde İklim Yaratmak adlı konuşmam. Moderatör: Gülçin Atalay Tunç, Mutlu Marine Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı On November 5, 2022, I will be talking about Developing an Effective Communications Climate. It centers around the significance of creating strategies and roadmaps before communications campaigns. Arousing emotions without effective planning is nothing but designing social and corporate disasters.

360 TV: The Future of Work | There is no need to worry about robots stealing away your job. At Tesla factories, Elon Musk recently declared that production had slowed down because their factories didn’t have enough humans and had more robots than needed. Amazon hired 45,000 robots and 200,000 humans. According to Jeff Bezos, they don’t hire robots to achieve higher levels of productivity, but because they believe robots are good for growth meaning robots aren’t substitutes for humans. If you are an executive interested in understanding how you can stay in the game, watch Fatmanur Erdogan’s famous interview with Birol Güven on TV channel 360.

Bloomberg HT – Quality of Life Based Sustainability and Communication – Yaşam Kalitesi Odaklı İletişim & Sosyal Sorumluluk Projeleri

Bloomberg HT, Aslı ile İşin Aslı programına IPPA Communications yönetici ortağı Fatmanur Erdoğan ile Doç Dr. Korkut Ulucan konuk oldu. Erdoğan, yaşam kalitesi odaklı iletişim ve sosyal sorumluluk yaklaşımının neden önemli olduğunun altını çizdi. IPPA Yaşam Kalitesi Modeli için sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz. Bllomberg HT, Aslı ile İşin Aslı Programında yaptığımız sohbete buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

CNN Turk: Gündem Özel | How will the future look like?

What does the future look like? Can we talk about the future without addressing the needs of today? If you are sick and tired of just hearing about robots, stay tuned to CNN Turk’s Gündem Özel.

If you are tired of experts talking about robots taking your jobs or humans becoming cyborgs, this program is for you. We debate the perils companies create by labeling employees as Y or X or Z. We discuss whether it is really generation Y that changes our times or other factors. If you don’t enjoy over generalized conversations about the future, tune in.